Aliens (1986) Full Movie HD



Film not recommended for children under 13 years

After 57 years adrift through space, Ellen Ripley is rescued by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. Despite their report on the incident on Nostromo, the military does not believe that there is a xenomorph presence on planet LV-426 where its crew is located … planet where several families of settlers have been sent on mission to ” terraforming “. After their disappearance, Ripley decides to accompany a squad of marines on their rescue mission … and will face the beast again.

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| RELEASE : 1986-07-18 | RUNTIME : 137 Min.
| GENRE : Action, Thriller, Science Fiction.
| STARS : Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Paul Reiser, Lance Henriksen, Carrie Henn, Bill Paxton.

Enjoy watching 🍿 Aliens

Diterbitkan oleh Vicky Hariyah

Smart Girl

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